Complete Facility Maintenance in Plymouth.
Midwest Supply & Maintenance Company Is unparalleled in the industry. Our entire dedicated staff shares the philosophy that customers satisfaction is a number one priority.

How We Help
Building maintenance concerns may interfere with your ability to concentrate on your core business.
A building often represents the largest single capital investment of a business. However, maintaining that investment is rarely the core focus of the business. The business normally utilizes the talents of their staff for more valuable tasks.
Many businesses and building owners rely on Midwest Supply and Maintenance Company to keep their buildings service-ready. A well maintained building is just like a body … reliable for peak performance.
Our services are flexible and customized for your needs. Midwest will develop a plan specific to the services required to preserve your building and best serve your investment.
Building maintenance concerns may interfere with your ability to concentrate on your core business. Let Midwest Supply and Maintenance Company do what we do best, Service your building so you don’t have to.
How can we help you?

Janitorial Maintenance

Floor Maintenance

Construction Services
Including design and build capabilities and design layout/engineering to ensure that a facility is properly utilizing its square footage. Working in-partnership with our sister company JC Belle LLC.
A few of our customers